Wills & Estates

There are many ways you can support our mission through your estate plan, such as naming The Asher House as a beneficiary in your will or trust, designating us as the remainder beneficiary of your retirement account or IRA, or donating long-term appreciated stocks, bonds, or other securities. Our team can work closely with you and your financial advisor to ensure your gift is structured in a way that aligns with your personal and philanthropic goals.

When working with your advisor, please be sure to use our full legal name: The Asher House (EIN #84-3719750). If you have already made plans for a gift, we would be honored if you could let us know by completing our Bequest Information form.

Bequest Form

Donor Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds offer flexible giving and tax benefits, enabling your donation to directly impact our mission of helping animals in need. Ask your financial advisor to designate a gift to The Asher House.